Section: Much Ado About Money


Intro Notes:


*      Remember during the Newly wed game last night one of the questions that got a rise from you was the question about: “ Who’s more likely to make a purchase and think about it later?”   That was a fun question, but it leads to an important topic in the preparation for Marriage.  What role does money have in your life and how will you and your spouse deal with money issues.

*      Money Disagreements are the #1 problem for fights and ultimately divorce.

*      How does our History and Heritage effect how we think about money?

*      Were you brought up to think you were rich or poor?

*      Were you brought getting most of what you asked for from your parents?

*      Did your parents fight a lot about money?

*      How did your parents handle disagreements about money?

*      How would you like to handle disagreements about money with your spouse?

*      Let’s move to your current feelings about money

*      Do you fear not having enough money?

*      Do you think about money a lot?

*      Or is money something you’d rather not discuss at all?


*      I know about that last item, because this is probably one of the more difficult topics for us to cover in precana.  Discussion of how to handle money is a touchy subject. 

*      Sharing your feelings about  money early and often so you build good money communication skills before any disagreements start.  Spending time now to understand your partners feelings about money will make it easier to work out differences later, at more stressful times!

*      To that point – Wait for the right time to talk about money!  Realize that it is stressful, and discussing it at times where you are tired or distracted may make the discussion more difficult then it needs to be!

*      We’ll first look at what your own individual attitudes toward money.


*      You will each take a copy of this, the “I gotta have it” quiz.  Take a few minutes to complete the quiz at your seats.  They exchange your answers with your fiancé.

*      For each item check off if you think the item is:

Necessary             Very Useful                  Merely Desirable                     Extra Luxury


But check no more than 12 items in each category


*      AFTER the I gotta Have it Quiz

*      Were there any surprises?  Does your fiancé have a different level of importance on having certain things than you?

*      Now we’ll take a look at how you think you should manage money issues as a couple.  You are going to do another exercise that will help you to raise money management issues as a couple.



*      Both Men and Women get a copy.  Men or women leave with a copy.  Fill out individually.  After you hear the bell, find your fiancé and compare answers. Take some time to discuss those questions where you have different answers.

*      AFTER the 25 Questions to Financial Bliss Quiz

*      You’re probably going to need more time to discuss these issues then at this meeting.  So take a another look at your answers on another day when you get home.